Short: API developer docs for THOR 2.5Author: Ultima Thule Software ( Petter Nilsen ( comm/thorReplaces: comm/thor/thor24_api.lhaINTRODUCTION~~~~~~~~~~~~The Thor API documentation package consists of:o docs/bbsread.doc - Autodoc for V5 of bbsread.library.o include/#? - Include files for V5 of bbsread.library.o parsemsg/#? - Source code of a message parser, which adds messages from ABBS/MBBS to the message database. Will also parse newfiles lists and conference lists.o scriptserv/#? - Source code for a script server. This program is used by the ABBS/MBBS Ncomm scripts to gain knowledge of the different events to do. It has also other features used by this NComm script.o packhippo/?# - Source code for an events packer, which makes upload packets in Hippo format.o common/#? - Some small code stubs which are common for scriptserv and parsemsg.o WatchTHOR/#? - Source code for the WatchTHOR mail notification utility. QUESTIONS?~~~~~~~~~~There is a newsgroup for Thor with the name of alt.sys.amiga.thor. Ifthe group is not available at your newsserver, ask for it by sending amail to your system admin.Mailing Lists:The old THOR mailing list has be resurrected. To subscribe to this list,send a mail to with "subscribe thor-ml <email address>"in the body. There is a mailing list for developers of programs and ARexx scriptsrelated to THOR. To subscribe to this list, send a mail to with "subscribe thor-dev <email address>" in thebody. If you have no interest in making scripts or programs relatedto THOR, you do not need to join this mailing list.HISTORY~~~~~~~951105 - Initial release of the API documentation960528 - THOR 2.3 release of API docs961020 - THOR 2.4 API documentation, minor header files changes970825 - THOR 2.5 API documentation, header files changes, new defines, new functions-- Petter Nilsen EMail THOR Team: WWW site: EMail: IRC (AmigaNet): Mitchman